Yellow King Kong Caridina Shrimp x10
10 Yellow King Kong Caridina Shrimp
You will receive Yellow King Kong Shrimp, also known as YKK. The pet shrimp you will receive will be sub adults, having a size around a half of an inch (.5 inches).
Yellow King Kong are one of the easiest shrimp to keep and breed. They are sometimes mistaken for Yellow Neocaridina because of their yellow body. Thise is perfect for having yellow shrimps in low ph water rath than trying to acclimate Yellow Neocaridinas.
Yellow King Kong are bred from Tangerine Tigers until the tiger pattern is gone leaving the shrimp with only its solid yellow color. Yellow King Kongs are peaceful and spend most of their time eating algae and biofilm off plants, glass, and substrate.
- Ph: 6.6 to 6.9
- Gh: 5 to 7
- Kh: 0 to 2
- TDS: 130 to 160
- Temp: 68 to 74